On the weekend of the 14-15th October 2023 Victoria became the first state to initiate the NEW Track inspectors course facilitated by Motorcycling Australia. Our current and new track inspectors were put through their paces by MA’s Pip Harrison and Peter Smith.
The course was hosted at the Victorian State Motorcycle Complex at Broadford which allowed our inspectors on the ground training, a first in the state for some time. This is a return to in person training post COVID.
The Track standards have been extensively revamped recently to reduce risk to riders, officials and spectators while trying to make everything easier on officials and a better experience for spectators.
Victoria would like to welcome Bryan Noble on board as Track inspector co-ordinator. He will be leading a road show around the state with our new track inspectors to increase their learning and hopefully to recruit more. This road show will also include our newly certified track inspectors re-certifying all licenced tracks to the new standards.
If any clubs wish to get in early to put their members names down or obtain a copy of the Track Standards, contact Margaret at the MV office on the details below.
Margaret Carlisle
1300 454 406