Motorcycling Victoria – 2019 Permit Fees Update
Motorcycling Victoria are very please to announce, that there will be no increase to Permit and Rider Levy costings in 2019.
However, this also prompts us to remind all of our Affiliated Clubs, Coaches and Private promoters of the Permit Guidelines that need to be followed. Access the Permit Guidelines HERE
Please keep in mind that the Development team at Motorcycling Victoria are happy to meet with you and run through any questions you might have, how RiderNet can help, and Motorcycling Victoria’s expectations and requirements for running and reporting on events.
We are here to help you!
All Club forms can be accessed on our Website here. https://www.motorcyclingvic.com.au/clubs/forms-reports/
However if you come across something that you believe is not current or required amendment, please let us know.