27,28,29 & 30 September 2019
Motorcycling Australia has announced the 2019 Australian Historic Motorcycle Racing Championship will be hosted by the Historic Competition Motorcycle Club of Western Australia, HCMCWA, at the newly extended Collie Motorplex, from 27th to 30th September 2019.
The HCMC cordially invites expressions of interest from riders of solo machines and sidecars based in SA, NT, Vic, NSW, Qld and Tas, who might intend coming to “The West”.
The Management Committee would like to gauge the likely demand so we can assess the facilities, required pit spaces, accommodation, catering and to design the race program.
Collie is located 200km south of the Perth CBD, and 60 km east of Bunbury, in a region famed for its scenic forested hills, farm produce, fruit and wine. The town has several motels and hotels as well as various options for camping in town, at the track or in bushland campsites around the area.
The race circuit is located 15 km southeast of the town.
The current Collie Motorplex is a 1.6km circuit but works are virtually complete to extend the track to 2.5km, anticlockwise with 13 corners. The circuit is in the final stages of an extension: The track surface has been laid and gravel run-off traps installed – the construction of flag marshal points and the completion of sections of tyre walls are in progress and is rapidly nearing completion, thanks to the recent allocation of over $2 million in State Government funding.
The HCMC(WA) also have a reliable transporter, who would be happy to arrange a round trip for a sea container of crated machines: Potential riders should contact the HCMC Club Secretary – Stephen Corsini secretary@historicracing.asn.au
The HCMC would like to hear from anyone in SA, NT, Vic, NSW, Qld and Tas, who might be seriously considering competing in the National Championships, and we would be grateful if you could circulate this letter to your members.
Yours sincerely
Stephen Corsini, Club Secretary secretary@historicracing.asn.au
For the HCMC (WA) Committee