A new motorcycle education safety campaign has been launched to help address a tragic spike in motorcycle fatalities in Victoria this year.
Across the state, 28 motorcyclists and passengers have lost their lives this year – 11 more than for the same time last
The ‘Every Second – Always On’ campaign, encourages riders to brush up on their safe
riding skills and knowledge. The campaign highlights the need for motorcyclists to be constantly vigilant and focuses on key contributors t
o crashes – speed, cornering, road positioning, road hazards, and other road users.
A new online quiz has been developed to test and refresh motorcyclists’ knowledge of safe riding behaviour and road rules. The quiz engages motorcyclists in a conversation about safety and encourages ongoing education about road rules and rider behaviour.
The safety messages will also be promoted to motorcyclists through traditional and social media, and roadside billboards across Victoria.
Motorcyclists are over-represented in road trauma. They make up less than four per cent of registered vehicles yet account for about 19 per cent of deaths on our roads this year.
‘Every Second – Always On’ complements the Transport Accident Commission’s Perfect Ride motorcycle safety campaign urging Victorian riders to take care when using our roads.