Korumburra Motorcycle Club will host a Come & Try Day to welcome newcomers to try out motorcycle sport this Saturday, March 11.
VMXC Supp Regs to be released on March 9
MVMX would like to advise that the Supp Regs and Entry Form for the Victorian Senior & Junior MX C’ships will be available on March 9.
MV’s Primary Phone Number Has Changed
MV’s primary phone number will now be (03) 5784 2827.
Junior Development Day Amended Calendar
The Junior Development Day Calendar has just been updated.
Chris Gray to lead 2017 Elite Rider Training Camp
MV is pleased to announce that Chris Gray is once again returning to lead the Elite Rider Training Camp this year taking place in July.
Clarifying club menu list in Ridernet
MV would like to clarify the ‘Club Menu List’ when applying for, or renewing, their MA/MV licence in Ridernet.
Come & Try Day all about fun and safety
KOO WEE RUP Motorcycle Club will host a free Come & Try Day for newcomers to motorcycle sport this Sunday, March 5.
JDDs will hook you into the sport
BILL NERLICH, father of rising road racer Peter Nerlich, is adamant that Broadford’s JDDs are perfect for aspiring riders.
AWMCC to accept entries on day
AWMCC is pleased to announce that entries will be accepted on the day for the 2017 Skylift Hire & Rental Short Track Summer Series.
Supermoto Development Day at Broadford
THERE will also be a Junior Supermoto Development Day at Broadford on Sunday, February 26.
Junior Development Day at Broadford on Sunday
A Junior Development Day will take place at Broadford’s State Motorcycle Sports Complex on Sunday, February 26.
Motorcycling Victoria farewells Peta Thomas
Motorcycling Victoria would like to farewell Peta Thomas who has formally left MV after over five years of service.
AWMCC Short Track & Summer Series 2017
AWMCC will host the Skylift Rentals Short Track Summer Series from Saturday, February 25.
DMCC’s Come & Try Day: Catch the bug
DANDENONG MC will throw open their doors for newcomers to try out motocross and off-road racing for the first time at Wonthaggi on February 26.
Bracket Racing kicks-off this weekend
PMCC has introduced Australia to an innovative format of Road Racing: Bracket Racing.
Road Broadford Ride Day on Friday, February 17
A Road Broadford Ride Day will take place at the State Motorcycle Sports Complex at Broadford on Friday, February 17.
Riding for the kids at Broadford
HUNDREDS of dirt bike riders will raise much-needed funds for Challenge at the 2017 KTM Ride4Kids at Broadford on February 25-26.
All MX Regions Supp Regs now available
SUPP Regs for all regional motocross competitions in Victoria for 2017 have just become available.
Supp Regs: 2017 VRRC & Supermoto
SUPP REGS for the 2017 Pirelli Motul VRRC & 2017 Husqvarna Victorian Supermoto Championship is now available.
Horsham MC to welcome new faces to sport
HORSHAM MC will throw open its doors at their Come & Try Day at Dooen Recreation Reserve on Sunday, February 19.