THESE grants offer funding to community sport and recreation clubs to increase or maintain participation through their club, by purchasing core equipment.
This round we’ll be placing a particular focus on supporting sporting clubs and organisations that can attract more people to their club, or improve participation opportunities for Victoria’s Aboriginal community. In awarding these grants, special consideration will also be given to applications from clubs in areas of socioeconomic disadvantage as well as clubs/organisations who can demonstrate that an Active Club Grant will increase opportunities for regular physical activity in their community.
The program guidelines and application information can be found at<>.
VicHealth is offering clubs the option to apply for grants of up to $3,000, or a larger grant amount of up to $10,000. We are offering up to 10 of these larger grants per round for clubs that can enable a greater number of Victorians to start or continue being physically active, including large clubs with a high number of teams, clubs that are seeking to implement new programs and activities to increase participation, clubs trying to reach new community members, or clubs in areas experiencing significant population growth.
We welcome your assistance in promoting this these grants to your communities, networks and stakeholders. Some text is provided below that you may wish to use, and a promotional image can be found here<> for your newsletters and social media.
* Facebook/Newsletter
Does your sporting club need new sporting equipment?
VicHealth’s Active Club Grants offer funding to community sport and recreation clubs to increase or maintain participation through their club, by purchasing core equipment. Grants of $3,000 and $10,000 are available for clubs to get more people participating in sport and keep people active. Find out more and submit your application by 18 September:<>. #activeclubgrants
VicHealth Active Club Grants offer funding for equipment to increase participation in sport:<> #activeclubgrants
For further enquiries please feel free to contact Brenton Mendes, Project Officer, Physical Activity, Sport and Healthy Eating on<> or (03) 9667 1380.
MV is also willing to assist in your club’s application process and you can contact MV’s Communications Manager Ryan Fritz at (03) 9673 0600 or email