For MV Practice Days, do I need a licence?
Yes, you do need a licence to ride at an MV practice day. You can purchase a One Event Recreational Licence through RiderNet or if you’re planning on attending more than four Practice Days throughout the year, it could be more beneficial for you to purchase an Annual Recreation Licence.
How do I renew a licence?
You can renew any MV licence through the RiderNet online system. This can be accessed by clicking on “Get A Licence” or “Renew/Upgrade Licence” on the MV website homepage. There is a “How-To Guide” on the “Forms” page of the MV website that shows how to do this step-by-step.
How do I obtain a licence?
You can purchase an MV licence through your RiderNet profile.
All licences require proof of ID to be uploaded at time of purchase. Failure to do so will result in the licence being declined.
Junior Coaching Program & Endorsements
Is a permit required when I get coaching for an endorsement?
Yes, any coaching done for endorsements requires a permit.
The coach, or the club, can complete their permit application online via the RiderNet system and receive a permit immediately.
Can I use a professional coaching school to get my five hours?
Absolutely. The coaches who run these schools are MA/MV accredited Level 1 and/or Level 2 Coaches and can sign off your coaching in your Log Book.
If my Log Book is lost or stolen, what can I do?
Contact the MV Office as soon as possible and the office will send you out the appropriate form to apply for another Log Book. Remember you cannot ride if you don’t have a Log Book with you at a competitive event.
Can an Official sign off my coaching hours?
No, only a MA/MV accredited Level 1 or Level 2 Coach is able to sign off on coaching hours.
Who can I get to help me gain endorsement for a bike?
Any MA/MV accredited Level 1 or Level 2 Coach, that is not a member of your immediate family, is able to complete your coaching. Refer to the Manual of Motorcycle Sport (rule 3.8, page 36-37) for further information about endorsements.
What do I need to do with my Log Book when I get to the track?
You will need to show your Log Book, with your Licence, at Sign In. Your Log Book will then be handed back to you. An Official may ask later for your Log Book if they need to enter a penalty or medical attention received.
Can I compete if I don’t have my Log Book yet?
No, a junior cannot compete without having both their Licence and their Log Book at the meeting.
Can I compete if I don’t have my Log Book at the meeting?
No, you cannot ride at any competition if you don’t have your Log Book with you no matter what type of licence you have.
Do I need a Log Book to ride at Ride Days or Practice Days?
No, you are only required to have a Log Book at competitive events. It’s also a good idea to take your Log Book to all Coaching days so that the coaching can be signed off.
Who needs a Log Book?
Any junior who wants to compete in any closed to club, Interclub or Open competition must have a Log Book.