The Trials Club of Victoria will be running the 2024 Trial des Nations fundraiser Trial at Hokins Road, Ravenswood.
This will be a fun Trial ran as a TdN style event, with teams of three riders, with the best two scores accounting for the team’s score. For example, if all three riders score cleans then the team score is zero but if the riders in the team score a clean, a one and, a five then the team score for that section would be one.
You will need to name your team and nominate your riders. We would like to have a mixture of grades within the team make up. If you can’t put a team together, we will find a team for you.
Recreation Licenced riders will have to be in the same team.
Please nominate what team you want to ride with in the comments section when entering.
Benny and Noel will be also running a TdN BBQ.