By: Meghan Hayes
By all accounts the 2019 Victorian Senior MX Championship series was once again executed perfectly. We take out hats off to the incredible team of dedicated volunteers that make up the MV Motocross Management Committee.
We also need to pay special thanks to the Officials and Volunteers for assisting and playing key roles in running each racing event. We quite literally we would have no sport without you.
Without a doubt we all saw some great action this season from all racers, but this story covers off the success of the Female racers. Motorcycling Victoria are actively encouraging more female riders into the sport and what better way than with some snap shots on the successes Women in our sport are already having!
And with the 2019 Vic MX racing season coming to its conclusion over the weekend, we now have the final results on the Women who took out the top spot this year.

1st Place: Layla Norton
(16 years old from Lorne, VIC)

2nd Place: Macie McNaughton
(17 years old from Kardella, VIC)

3rd Place: Cheyenne Hine
(20 years old from Digger Rest, VIC)
Taking out First place of for the season we have Layla Norton from Lorne Victoria. We touched base with Layla and asked if she would be happy for us to publish something on her success in this season, her answer was very endearing – stating she would send through something when she gets home from school. Keeping her love of this adrenalin filled sport close to her heart while still meeting all other commitments.
“For my first year in seniors the 2019 season went awesome for me, racing in the ladies clubman class. I was familiar with all the tracks which was beneficial. After sitting out 2018 from riding, coming into the first round I didn’t know what to expect and was happy for a top 5 finish. After taking the win in the first race I definitely gained a lot of confidence and from then on I continued to take three race wins at each round. The last round at Bluerock the nerves were calm as I knew I had a big enough points lead to allow mistakes. I finished race 1 and 2 in first and managed to wrap up the championship before race 3, and was able to get another race win giving me the round win too. I’m excited for the 2020 season racing in the women’s expert class!”
With only 5 overall points between second and third place – this says a lot about the calibre of the ladies entered this season. Macie McNaughton took overall second place with a whopping 365 points, and when we asked her to comment on her success, she had this to say: “I’m stoked with my result being my first year in seniors. I had the opportunity to race with some amazing women and form new friendships and ride some gnarly tracks.”
Taking the final place on the podium for 2019 is Cheyenne Hine. We say we are super impressed with this lady is nothing, achieving a third place in this season when it is only her second season of racing in the Vic MX Championships is outstanding. And the same as her fellow competitors Cheyenne was happy to provide us with some brief words on her season this year:
“.. Being only my second year racing motocross I’m really happy to have finished 3rd overall compared to last season where I crashed in round 1 breaking my thumb and struggling the rest of the season. The girls are a great competition and I really enjoyed the season and I’m excited to see what I can do next year!”
We also asked Cheyenne what she would tell a new rider if they were considering getting involved in the sport. And she blew us away with how simple it really is:
“I was so nervous to start mx but surprised myself winning my first ever race and continued to surprise myself with my results this season! If there is anybody who is scared to start racing I encourage them to give it a go, no matter the results you’re out there having a go and that’s what people like to see especially in the women’s/girls! Even if you aren’t happy with your results there is always room for improvement! Club days are a good way to start and to get a feel for racing if you’re worried about doing the bigger events straight away, and remember it’s all about having fun! ”
Once again a huge congratulations to the ladies and their support crews for all of your hard work, it paid off – Well Done! Once again a group of ladies showing exactly what they can achieve by having a go.
I think we can all agree we are also excited to see what the 2020 season brings for all of our competitors!
For the full results please visit: https://speedhive.mylaps.com/Events/1677371
If you missed out on getting to the Final round, check out this video curtesy of Angus McFarlane HERE
Congratulations to all competitors, we hope you had a wonderful weekend – and that the working week isn’t too hard after such a great weekend!
Photo Credit: Layla: Steven Domagala https://stevendomagala.com/ . Macie & Cheyenne : Supplied